In front of you is one of two oak trees classified as "Remarkable Trees" in the Municipal District of Saint-Jeannet.
The second grows along the county road which follows the route of the acient Roman road.
It is a Downy or Pubescent White Oak (Quercus pubescens Willd).
This one is remarkable for the kind of "tumour" it has developed at the base of its trunk. This is called "a burl", and is usually caused by an obstruction to the flow of sap or by the presence of a virus.
In the early 2000s, the association that managed the Geopark at the time, with the support of the European Leader Programme, carried out an inventory of the remarkable trees in its territory.
Nearly 250 remarkable trees were identified, and among them a dozen or so are of interest on a regional scale (PACA Region). The Haute-Provence UNESCO Global Geopark is committed to making them known in order to better preserve them.
Like all trees, this Oak is a fragile living being; it is located on private property.
Respect, is first and foremost.