Several religious settlements have been established in area of Vaumeilh over the centuries. The oldest known dates back to Gallo-Roman times in the form of a pink marble altar dedicated to Mars Carrus Cicinus, discovered in 1877 not far from Chane.
The foundation of the Priory of Chane predates the year 1000. At that time, it was affiliated to the Abbey of Aniane in the Languedoc area and also served as a parish church. It then passed to the Bishop of Gap and then to secular Lords before being purchased as a national asset.
When the community gathered around the castle, the parish role fell to the Church of Saint Sixte and Saint Sauveur, near the castle, of which only a few remains are visible in the village.
In the 18th century, a new church with Saint Marcellin as its patron saint was built; it was rebuilt in 1870.
As for the Chapel of Saint Marcellin, its exact origin, probably very old, remains unknown. It is possible that it also played a parish role.
Badly damaged in 1540, it was rebuilt by a villager and his wife after Saint Marcellin had granted their wish to have children.